Using ChatGPT for Worship?

Ok. I thought I would give this a go. I like a good prayer in my call to worship. I thought I would create one using ChatGPT. I work within a congregation that sees itself as progressive, inclusive and diverse. so prompted CGPT accordingly. After a bit of nuancing the results I got this… God…

Payment Requisitions

Presbytery Payment Requisitions can be made using the following form. Payment Requisition Form Please return the forms to the Presbytery Treasurer at Do NOT send in a jpeg image of your signed form as it cannot be authorised by the Treasurer with an electronic signature. Please scan and save in a portable document format (pdf)…

Travel Claims

Presbytery Travel Claims can be made using the following form. Travel Claim Form Please return the forms to the Presbytery Treasurer at Do NOT send in a jpeg image of your signed form as it cannot be authorised by the Treasurer with an electronic signature. Please scan and save in a portable document format (pdf)…