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Presbytery Meetings 2025
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25th of October 2025 AGM (location TBC)
Presbytery Meeting 12th October 2024 – Videos and Summary
We began the morning welcomed by Athelstone Uniting Congregation as they led us in a call to worship. Rev Tim Hein followed the time of music, with his talk on The Secret to Exponential Influence (Acts18:24-28). Rev Hein reflected on the characters of those mentioned in this passage; Apollos “charismatic leader” and Priscilla and Aquila who actually “showed Apollos the gospel”. Rev Hein asked the question, what kind of leaders do we need? Rev Hein shared that the secret to exponential influence, is not necessarily all about finding the “right” leader/minister but can be about “everyday ordinary” people going all in, who are willing to live as devoted followers of Jesus.
After this first session we enjoyed morning tea together, offering opportunities for connection across the presbytery. This led into the beginning of the formal meeting which was spread throughout the day. Due to a lack of quorum we were required to replace proposal 1 with:
“That due to the lack of quorum, the Wimala Presbytery Meeting 12th of October 2024 will follow the regulation 3.8.5 (noting we will not reconvene the meeting) that the business of the meeting may be conducted by those present in relation to the nominations. And that the budget will be officially voted on by the Wimala Standing Committee post-presbytery meeting.”
The opportunity to respond and ask questions was provided. This motion was accepted by the voting cards as an avenue for consensus without quorum. While we did not have quorum, cards were used to affirm the reports and nominations.
We welcomed Peter Lane back as our Presbytery Treasurer and Amy Duke as Presbytery Secretary. We thanked Bruce Ind, Rev Peter Trudinger and Pastor Sonia Armani for joining the Wimala Standing Committee. The Pastoral Relations Committee welcomed Pastor Gary Ferguson, Rev Geoff Tiller and Rev Wendy Prior to the team.
Following on from this business; we heard from Matt Wilson, Manager of the property services team, who provided us with very useful and welcomed information of matters surrounding property. His key theme, and the heart of the property team, was shared: that property should follow mission, meaning that the mission of a congregation is to be supported by the property not that the mission of the church is dictated by the property. He asked the question: does the property support the mission/purpose of the congregation who are using it? Matt is willing for us to share the power point for those interested (please send Amy Duke an email) and we will be sharing the video on the Wimala website in the next month or so. Matt encouraged people to contact the property team with questions
Phone:(08) 8236 4200 Email:
After lunch, the financial report was shared as proposal 4. And while the budget will be passed by the standing committee at the next meeting, there was opportunity provided to ask questions.
We then spent time together, ‘Hearing from our Presbytery’. Jaquie and Gwen, from the Village Church Alberton, gave us a word of encouragement, sharing their history and transition of change within their community and congregation. Rev Peter Trudinger, Brett Francis and John Secombe shared their journey of congregation collaboration across Kimba and Morialta UC. They provided insights into the ease of use accessing live online services through to the technicalities of being the “broadcasting” congregation. We heard about the joys of collaboration between “city and country folk” and engaging in one another’s lives.
Paul Turley provided an update on the work of Mediacom. The information about Liturgy Learning and Life, L3, can be found here: L3 (
Rev Paul Goh provided an update about the pilot project Awaken Adelaide: Neighbourhood Mission project and reflections from a few of the participants from within the Wimala Presbytery (Rev Ann Phillips and Rev Olly Ponsonby). Does this sound like something you might light to be involved in? Expression of Interest can be accessed via the button below.
Next we celebrated those who had completed their PoDs (Emelia Haskey and Dan Phan) and those who completed Phase Three (Rev Ann Phillips).
Dan Phan shared his recently funded project, supported by the Wimala Presbytery, which is looking at the ways which second generation young people connect with Christianity and the Uniting Church.
Sporting her own wonderfully selected op shop clothes, Rev Rebecca Purling shared about her thesis and the positive outreach opportunities that church run op shops can have in our community, as well as for those members in the congregation who deliver op shops.
Following afternoon tea, Rev Dianne Holden encouraged us to consider what it looks like to work together. She spoke of Hebrews 12: 1-3, encouraging us to run the race of endurance, keeping our eyes on Jesus. This launched us into our final group session which allowed us to choose two of the three topics for hearty discussion:
– Steps towards partnerships between congregations
– Flourishing and Renewal
– Congregational Resourcing
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Wimala Standing Committee Decisions
The Wimala Standing Committee meet regularly once a month. This generally occurs on the second Wednesday of the month. We share the decisions from these meetings to our Presbytery and are able to provide the minutes upon request. If you would like to receive the minutes please send your request to the Presbytery Secretary
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