Sunday Bible

Paul Turley’s regular reflections on the lectionary, sermons and conversations with Phil Hoffman offer thoughtful and often entertaining entry points for those looking to preach and lead worship.

Saltbush Community

Supported by the NSW Synod this is an excellent resource for the scattered community. There are weekly liturgical and preaching resources as well as a schedule of online gatherings.

Bill Loader

Excellent resources for a preacher to read before crafting a sermon. Bill has been an excellent teacher and mentor to many within the Uniting Church.

By the Well

An excellent resource for lectionary based preaching together with a great weekly podcast.

Nathan Nettleton – Laughing Bird / South Yarra Baptist and

Nathan’s comprehensive “Laughing Bird” site has been a wonderful source of useful prayers, liturgy, paraphrased Bible readings and sermons, for over 20 years. His congregation at South Yarra Baptist reflects this consistently thoughtful approach to worship.

A sermon for every Sunday

The name says it all. The content is USA centric with a wide range of excellent preachers. They can be downloaded. They are great for a preacher to listen to to get some good ideas.