Presbytery Governance
The Presbytery operates according to the Basis of Union, Constitution and Regulations of the Uniting Church of South Australia.
Click on the link below to access the 2018 version.
We also function under the by Laws of the Synod of South Australia.
These by Laws can be accessed via the link below.
And last but not least, the Wimala Presbytery holds its own rules which govern in areas specific to our Presbytery.
Moderator: Rev Peter Morel speaking at one of Presbytery Meetings
Payment requisitions
Please send completed forms to the treasurer
Travel Reimbursement
Guidelines for Travel Reimbursement
General Reimbursement
Mission and Service Fund
For more information about the Service and Mission Fund, you can go directly to the Synod website:
What is it?
Here’s some information straight from the Synod website:
Mission and Service Fund
Within the Synod of South Australia, Congregations and Faith Communities provide vital financial support to the ministry of the wider Uniting Church by providing 12% of their income to programs and activities of the Synod and its Presbyteries (Generate Presbytery, Presbytery of Southern SA and Wimala Presbytery).
Contributions are provided in two parts:
– The main contribution of 10% is to the Mission and Service Fund which directly supports the ministries of the Synod and each Presbytery
– A further contribution of 2% is specifically collected to support the work of the Presbyteries. In total 6% of contributions are allocated to the Synod and the remaining 6% to each of the Presbyteries.
2024 Mission and Service Fund (516 kb PDF)
Congregations experiencing financial hardship may seek a variation to the above contributions using a Variation Request Form. Approved variations are designed to help Congregations navigate through unforeseen financial situations which are outside the control of the Congregation.
2024 Congregations Contributions – Variation Request (331 kb PDF)
Grant Guidelines and Application
We are hoping that this information assists a greater number of our congregations and faith communities to apply to our Wimala Grant.
If you have an idea, we encourage you to consider contacting your regional coordinator; our treasurer Peter Lane; or myself as the secretary Amy Duke, before beginning. This may assist in the formation of your idea and points to consider as you put the effort into applying.