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Presbytery Meetings 2025

29th of March 2025 (regional)

25th of October 2025 AGM

Presbytery Meeting 12th October 2024 – Registration Closed.

Call for Proposals – Please submit your proposals to the secretary before the 25th of September 2024:

Nominations and Vacancies – Please complete the nomination before the 25th of September 2024 and email to

Standing Committee:

We have a minimum of 4 vacancies with a maximum of 6 vacancies at the upcoming Presbytery Meeting.

Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC):

We have up to 5 vacancies within the PRC team.

Property Team:

We have 1 vacancy within the Property Team.

Presbytery Meetings

Click on the year below to access information from our gatherings.

Full Agenda and Reading Materials

Agenda, Program and Reading Material for Presbytery Meeting held 13 April 2024

Summary of the meeting

(these are not meeting minutes)

Our Presbytery Meeting began with the induction of Rev Dianne Holden as the Wimala Presbytery Chairperson. We thank our visitors joining us in the morning as we celebrated the welcoming of Di and lifted our voices worshiping our maker. After the formal proceedings, we heard from Dianne as she shared of her calling to the Chairperson role and her hopes as we discover opportunities and new ideas together.

After morning tea we received an update from the Moderator, Rev Peter Morel. He shared his reflections on the Moderator role thus far, detailing some of his functions such as preaching, leading a number of commissioning and also the opportunity to share Christ’s love in his Christmas and Easter online videos with the wider community. Peter shared his particular highlight of participating in the wider church community, visiting at numerous aged care facilities and speaking at school events. Peter concluded his message, reminding us of the 15th anniversary of the preamble of the constitution and the 30th anniversary of the covenant with the UAICC. He encouraged us to consider the past, where we are now and where we are going into the future.

Wimala Youth Update: We received a rather jubilant update from Rev Rebecca Purling and Rev Ruthmary Bond of their Summer Youth Day and Easter Youth Day. They informed us of plans to review and consider a “rhythm of life” which would determine regular youth events going forward. We were encouraged by their attitude towards action and their call for additional volunteers in the future. Please reach out to Rebecca or Ruthmary if your community is interested in being involved.

Uniting College Opportunities: Dr Rosemary Dewerse shared a gamut of learning possibilities available to those interested in starting off their learning journey at the college, or to update their knowledge in particular areas. Dr Dewerse noted courses such as the Community Ministry Pathways, Arrow Leadership and Supervisor training. A particular interesting note was that when a student of the College, participants have access to over 400,000 books and ebooks. But community members can also sign up to the library and access over 67,000 books, journals and ebooks. Our Library – Uniting College for Leadership and Theology (

After lunch Rev Paul Turley thanked Trevor Phillips for his dedication to the Presbytery in the formation of the Wimala Presbytery on our behalf. And Rev Leanne Davis led us in prayer for Trevor and his next chapter.

We then heard from Paul and Leanne about their regional work and received the encouragement to “keep at it” while also listening to our inner voice and the whisper of the holy spirit in knowing when it is time to stop, which may bring about new opportunities.

We received an apology from Dr Craig Mitchell who had intended to provide a CMLA update. Due to this absence, Rev Geoff Tiller took the opportunity to update the Presbytery on the work of the Ecumenical Relations Committee. Geoff invited the Presbytery to share their ecumenical work across denominations, encouraging us to consider the “uniting” of people in our regions.

The Chairperson of the Uniting Foundation Grants Committee, Leesa Story, showed us a clip about the Foundation and grant opportunities. There were three areas that Leesa wanted us to take back to our congregations:

1. From all of the applications for grants, only one congregation from Wimala applied last year. Please apply!

2. Criteria has changed. The requirement for leadership to be 50% of the grant has been removed. Please check the criteria and apply!

3. If your congregation isn’t at a stage where they are planning new opportunities or initiative, remember that Uniting Foundation can receive donations and bequests. The information is all on the website. UCA SA – Uniting Foundation (

Thank you to Uniting Technology for filming our meeting which we will be able to share. And to the Woodville Uniting Church (and their volunteers) for caring for us and donating their time to support our meeting.

The final session of the day opened up great discussion and opportunity to feed back into the Presbytery. We invite congregations to consider and provide their own responses if they would like.

Introduction from Chairperson Rev Dianne Holden. As chairperson, and as the Presbytery Standing Committee/Pastoral Relations Committee we take our roles of oversight and caring for the life and mission of the congregations and agencies within our bounds very seriously. As we enter a new phase of our Presbytery life and build on the firm foundation of the year’s past, looking to what “new thing” God might be calling us all into, we are going to take some time to consider 4 key things within our life together. Digital and media, communication, Presbytery Gatherings and renewal.

Full Agenda and Reading Materials

Agenda and reading materials can be found here: Agenda, Program and Reading Material for Presbytery Meeting held 28 oct 2023

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes can be found here: Minutes Presbytery Meeting held 28 October 2023 CONFIRMED


Video Clips from the Presbytery Meeting:

  • Act2 Update from Linda Driver, click here
  • The Wimala Great Debate, click here
  • Rev Philip Gardner’s update, click here

Words from Wimala


* indicates required

Monthly archived newsletters

Wimala Standing Committee Decisions

The Wimala Standing Committee meet regularly once a month. This generally occurs on the second Wednesday of the month. We share the decisions from these meetings to our Presbytery and are able to provide the minutes upon request. If you would like to receive the minutes please send your request to the Presbytery Secretary

Click on the periods below to access information.